EP 807 | Queens Of Comedy

Jordan, Damon, & Tony are curious – where is the line between funny and offensive?

In this episode, we are joined by comedian, actor * writer Jay Jurdan. The artform of comedy has been in the spotlight in recent years as we all try and define the line between jokes and insensitivity. We explore the artform and the need for specificity in discussing its subjects. Is the concept of punching down a hard rule or should there be nuance instead of hard rules? Depending on who you ask those answers can vary greatly, and we explore our individual points of view on the topic. We close with a very Black moment of laughing at our pain and sharing ridiculous life expereinces that we think would make a hilarious sketch comedy.

We know a lot but we don’t know it all, so join the conversation on social and let us know your thoughts.

Surface Level Podcast

Curious conversations about the Black & Queer experience.


EP 808 | C.R.E.A.M.


EP 806 | Beautiful Gowns Pt. 2