EP 1006 | Gurl, You Good?

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Damon, Jordan, and Tony are curious – how does loneliness effect Black Queer identity?

In Season 1, we explored the disconnect we sometimes feel towards our hometowns in pursuit of our dreams. Today, we go further, centering the loneliness many Queer individuals feel for existing outside of accepted norms. We are excited to welcome Keith “Icy” Parris, beauty influencer and disability advocate, to our Surface Level family. We explore how digital platforms have created both online community and further isolation, how our own standards of personal access can contribute to isolation, and whether we have ever been the culprit in isolating others. The line between protecting your peace and exclusion is fine—where do you draw that line?

We know a lot, but we don’t know it all, so join the conversation on social and let us know your thoughts.

Surface Level Podcast

Curious conversations about the Black & Queer experience.


EP 1005 | Gurl, We’re Just Friends