EP 512 | Beyond The Surface Level 5

Jordan, Damon & Tony are curious – are you ready to go beyond the surface level with us?

The finale to our fifth season further highlights our expanded commitment to community. We kick off by welcoming Steve Cruz, Strategic Giving Manager for the Ali Forney Center and Maddox Guerilla, an Ali Forney Center alum, to our Surface Level family. We were proud to raise money for AFC this season, an organization committed to protecting LGBTQIA+ youths from homelessness and empowering them to live independently. You will get to hear firsthand about the work they are doing and how they have directly impacted the lives of Queer New Yorkers.

We then move into a game, themed on the standout moments from this season. We wrap up with one of our most fun segments yet, chatting through an array of topics all sourced from you, our beloved Surface Level Insiders.

The reception you all have given Surface Level continues to amaze us and we hope to continue to bring joy to your lives through sharing our experiences. So, thank you for the support and until next time…stay curious.

We know a lot but we don’t know it all, so join the conversation on social and let us know your thoughts.

EP 512 | Beyond The Surface Level 5
Surface Level Podcast

Curious conversations about the Black & Queer experience.


EP 601 | Invisible Life


EP 511 | We Can’t Be Friends 2